PBST Primary Schools Table Quiz
One hundred an twenty 6th class children from each of the three PBST primary schools, Bunscoil Chríost Rí, Greenmount NS and St Joseph’s NS, gathered in the newly refurbished Nano Nagle Hall in Bunscoil Chiost Rí on the 22nd November (one day after Presentation Day itself) for the first ever PBST Primary Schools’ Table Quiz. The emphasise was very much on fun rather than competition but after a nail-biting play-off round, a team from the host school, Bunscoil Chríost Rí, took the honours. Brother Raymond spoke briefly about the Presentation tradition in the school and PBST CEO, Michael Sexton, dished out questions covering every thing from international politics to the Simpsons!! In the end, everyone was a winner as all pupils went home with a very well-packed goodie bag. PBST is very grateful to the 6th class teachers who facilitated the quiz, to Brother Raymond, Brother Bede and TJ Coakley who acted as very efficient score keepers and most especially to Dave O’Kelly, Principal of Bunscoil Chríost Rí whose school hosted the quiz.