Preslink Christmas Concert 2017
The annual Preslink Christmas concert in to raise funds for the Presentation schools in west Africa took place on Sunday night, 17th December. The large crowd was greeted with...read more →
Phone: 353-21-2417144 Mobile: 087-1257007 Email: michaelsexton@pbst.ie
The annual Preslink Christmas concert in to raise funds for the Presentation schools in west Africa took place on Sunday night, 17th December. The large crowd was greeted with...read more →
One hundred an twenty 6th class children from each of the three PBST primary schools, Bunscoil Chríost Rí, Greenmount NS and St Joseph’s NS, gathered in the newly refurbished...read more →
The inaugural PBST Leadership Development Programme got under way at the PBYM Centre in Mardyke House on Wednesday 8th November. Twenty teachers are participating in the 2017 Cork programme programme while...read more →