A Great Opportunity – Ruah 2015
For RUAH 2015 a limited number of bursaries have been made available. These bursaries are supported by the RUAH programme itself from a modest fund that has been set...read more →
Phone: 353-21-2417144 Mobile: 087-1257007 Email: michaelsexton@pbst.ie
For RUAH 2015 a limited number of bursaries have been made available. These bursaries are supported by the RUAH programme itself from a modest fund that has been set...read more →
Presentation Brothers Schools Trust and Edmund Rice Schools Trust have come together to invite schools to establish an Advocacy Group in the school or to continue working with a...read more →
The week itself will take place from the 25th of January to the 1st of February. This year’s theme is ‘Catholic Schools: A Call to Serve’. Resources to be...read more →
The official blessing of the new Presentation College Bray building was performed by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin on Monday the 8th of December. The moving ceremony was...read more →
The Catholic Schools Partnership (CSP), representatives of the Association of Trustees of Catholic Schools (ATCS) and the JMB consulted widely with Trustees and school management on the issue of...read more →
Many events have been organised to commemorate this special occasion including a Mass on the Feast of the Presentation in the Lough Church at 11:00am on November 21st....read more →
. The celebratory year began with a Mass held in the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Dennehy’s Cross on 8th October. The Mass was...read more →
On October 13th, 3 current pupils and 5 past pupils from Greenmount National School played in the National Concert Hall as part of the Barrack Street Youth Band, conducted...read more →
A staff seminar entitled ‘Pres Spirit – The Difference’ is being held in each PBST school. It is now five years since PBST was established and the purpose...read more →